Order processing time is 8 business days.

Shipping time is an additional 3 days for continental US, and quite a bit more for international orders. You will receive an email with a tracking number once your order has shipped.

Decorative potions are not for human consumption. While most of our ingredients are non-toxic, we've been experimenting with alternative bases, like oils and alcohols that can be toxic to humans if swallowed. They are well sealed, and cannot be opened accidentally.

March 1st- Magical Creatures

It always takes us a while to collect our magical creature artifacts, so we don't offer these often! The phoenixes have been kind to us, gifting not only feathers but tears and ashes as well, and as you know, the fae are always up for a trade, but the basilisk venom was a bit tricky. (We survived!)

Check it out

Phoenix Feathers, Large Apothecary Wand Core Bottle PropPhoenix Feathers, Large Apothecary Wand Core Bottle Prop
Faerie Bones Specimen Jar, A Mini Potion Bottle FidgetFaerie Bones Specimen Jar, A Mini Potion Bottle Fidget
Phoenix Ashes, A Fantasy Apothecary JarPhoenix Ashes, A Fantasy Apothecary Jar

Watch them color change

  • Is this real magic?

    No, these are meant to be fantasy decorations and sensory decorations. While they're not real magic they will bring some magic into your lives.

  • Are these edible?

    No, none of our potions are for consumption. All liquid potions are securely sealed and cannot be opened accidentally. Please look at product pages for more information on specific ingredients.

  • Are they toxic?

    While the vast majority of ingredients are non toxic some of the pigments we use for the color-change effects are. Those designs are safely sealed to prevent any contact with the pigments. Please contact us with any concerns.

  • Do you do customs orders?

    Due to demand, we are unable to do custom orders.

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Our Brand

I have always loved magic and love creating little bits of magic for you to keep! My potions are unique in many ways. I love to make them glow, swirl, change colors and light up! Each of my labels is a tiny piece of art, I design them using vintage images, often with renaissance period etchings, that are part of the public domain. All of my potions are my recipes, developed by me and I even hand marble the faux wax that tops these beauties.

Each one is created, start to finish, with so, so much love.

Grim Sweetness is eco smart: We use recycled, unbleached paper, eco friendly packing peanuts and reuse packaging whenever possible.

About Us